Although i had decided to break down the subject I came across a good short definition of the mechanical systems (see above quote) I went back and looked at the definitions i had found and pulled out some of keywords to look at individually such as 'mechanical principles?' what are these. If i understand what these are could they be applied to any mechanical system?

mechanical system manages power to accomplish a task that involves forces and movement.'

Although using  wikkipedia is considered a rather unintelligent approach to research it does provide a good start to get a rough overview of a subject although i dont think it should be taken literally.The site provided some good key words to prompt further investigation from more reliable sources. This gave me more to go on  as the title i was given in my audit doesn't give anything away about the topic so was purely typing in the words 'mechanical system' meaning my searches were quite limited. 

New words:
Power - 
Forces & Movement
Mechanical principles 

At this point in my research i have yet to look in a book or ask anyone what they know of the subject. WHY? ..i think with asking people directly there is a chance of them not explaining it properly, or the embarrassment of not understanding what they are saying. Looking through the internet is private and non judgmental however if i asked a tutor it would be much more direct and reliable infomaion

Do i understand the subject any better yet? - 
at this point no, i think i need to try a different source of information and start looking at these new keywords and how they contribute to the topic. ive kind of been going around in a circle with my learning at the moment and ned to get away from google and looking at definition.